Our Partners

Expand your horizons.

Connecting and preserving over 4,000 acres of parkland required an intentional master plan — more than 80 separate land transactions and supportive community members and partners that believed in our vision of bringing nature into neighborhoods. Our urban park system has created some of the most livable neighborhoods in the nation, but it wouldn’t be possible without our generous donors and community partnerships.

The Future Fund, Metro Parks, and the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) were strategic partners in helping to secure acreage for The Parklands project. All of these partnerships add up to a parks system that allows visitors to move from one end of The Parklands to the other regardless of property ownership. Each of the organizations has committed to easements that preserve The Parklands of Floyds Fork in perpetuity for current and future generations.

Many hands make light work.

Annual Campaign

As a visitor-and-donor supported public park, The Parklands depends on Membership fees and additional contributions to keep its acreage safe, clean, fun and beautiful for the entire community to enjoy. From ranger safety patrols to the clean, well-maintained bathrooms cared for by our attendants, The Parklands provides services and amenities that create a welcoming space for families and visitors to connect with nature, surrounded by vibrant flowers, plants, grasses, and wildlife. So thank you for your support. Your donation makes this expression of faith in our community possible.

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2023 Annual Report