William F. Miles Trailhead
Beckley Creek Park
The William F. Miles Trailhead Picnic Area is an ideal spot to relax before ambling out for a walk on the Louisville Loop or over to the William F. Miles Community Garden.
Beckley Creek Park
The William F. Miles Trailhead Picnic Area is an ideal spot to relax before ambling out for a walk on the Louisville Loop or over to the William F. Miles Community Garden.
Near the Garden Gateway Entrance on Shelbyville Road, the land upon which the William F. Miles Community Garden now blooms was once a dairy farm, so the soil is fertile enough to support growing fruits and vegetables for a whole community. Our partners at Jefferson County Extension Service manage the garden. Spaces are available for a small fee. To reserve a plot at the William F. Miles Community Garden, please call the Jefferson County Extension Service at 502-569-2344. Please note that water fountains turn off during the winter.