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The Parklands

Fungus Among Us

With early fall being peak time for fungi, you can find various species thriving throughout The Parklands. While also beautiful to look at, fungi serve many vital functions in our forest ecosystem. These functions include recycling nutrients back into the soil for plant use, food for wildlife, tree decay for wildlife habitat, decomposition, water transportation for plant nutrients and so much more! 

Below are a few fungi species you will see along your next hike in this nearly 4,000-acre park system. And please always remember, do not eat any wild mushroom unless you are absolutely sure of its species and edibility through thorough research and consultation with a professional.

To watch the Park Roots: Fungus Among Us program, featuring our Education Director Curtis Carman, please click here

Suggested Resources:


1.Lincoff, G.H. Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms

2.Binion, Stephenson, Roody, Burdsall, Miller. Macrofungi Associated with Oaks of Eastern North America





About Park Roots: A Parklands Speaker Series 

The Park Roots program is a speaker series exclusive to Parklands Members but, during these uncertain times, we are opening up the series to our digital followers, allowing supporters to safely enjoy our program while practicing social distancing.

To become a Parklands Member for access to future exclusive hikes and programs when it is safe to do so in person and to help species such as these fungi to thrive, please visit

Make sure to follow our social media channels, including The Parklands Facebook page, where you will find these virtual programs, including Park Roots: Fungus Among Us