Salamander Night Hike
Turkey Run Park
Get ready to get your feet wet and join us for a salamander hunt! Join Parklands staff on March 15th from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm as we learn about the salamander life cycle and search for salamanders in all their life stages in the vernal pools and small streams of Turkey Run Park.
Early spring is a great time to discover these secretive, semi-aquatic amphibians as they return to the water to lay their eggs. Join us as we investigate the importance of vernal pool habitats and discuss the Parklands role in the conservation of these unique ecosystems. Participants will get a chance to wade in small creeks to find salamanders and will learn how and when to handle these fascinating but sensitive forest wonders.
We will be hiking on uneven surfaces and stepping in wet areas where salamanders prefer to live. Please come dressed appropriately for the weather and the activity!
To protect the sensitive salamander population and habitat within The Parklands, the hike requires registration. Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email for where to meet. It is free for Parklands members and $10 for non-members. Click the link below to reserve your spot today!