
5 Self-Care Ideas to Get You Outside and In a Good Headspace

  1. Start Simple: Listen!

In a world that moves so fast, slowing down can seem impossible. With so much happening all the time, it’s easy to see how we can feel so overwhelmed by the concept of adding something to our “to-do” lists. Instead of adding something, try simply carving out time to do nothing. If it’s sunny and warm, heading out to Beckley Creek Park or Broad Run Park and sitting in the sun can make a huge difference. Listen to what’s around you. The birds chirping, the hum of activity, and the general sounds of nature often ground us back to the present. Sitting and listening gives our minds something to do to keep them from wandering to all the things we have to accomplish, which can become overwhelming and stressful. Take a second to just be, listen, exist in the present.

  1. Get Moving: Go on a Hike!

Even just a little bit of movement, like a short walk, has proven mental health benefits. Movement and exercise creates endorphins, which can act as a mood booster and pain reliever. Get a double boost of the feel-good hormones by taking that walk out to nature. Being surrounded by nature, like in a park or on a hike, can bring a sense of peace and tranquility, something many of us feel we are missing. Kick start those feel-good hormones by going on a short hike, surrounding yourself with greenery and flowing streams at The Parklands of Floyds Fork!

  1. Take Yourself on a Picnic Date

Sometimes it’s easy to forget how important it is to treat ourselves with the same kindness and love we show others. Going on self-dates is a proven way of building confidence and self-esteem. Pack a lunch, a good book or game, a blanket and head out to the park. Come on out to Beckley Creek Park and sit on the Egg Lawn for some sun and an afternoon showing yourself the care you deserve and surrounded by the beauty of nature! Take time to reconnect with yourself and embrace the kindness you give others.

  1. Embrace your Inner Child

It’s easy to feel like we’re all grown up and can’t have the same kind of fun we used to, but that’s not true! You’re never too old to splash in puddles, play on playgrounds, skip rocks, or any other activity you used to do as a kid. Maybe it’s easier to do these with friends, so you don’t feel as out of place. Get a couple of friends together and go swing on the swings at the Cliffside or Creekside Playgrounds, splash in Floyds Fork together, or even play tag together on the Egg Lawn. Age is only a number and growing up is over-rated!

  1. Watch the Sunrise or Sunset

There’s something about a beautifully painted sky that helps calm our nerves, lift our spirits, and ground us back into the present. Take your morning or your evening to go on a quick walk to get the best view of the sunrise or sunset as possible. If there’s no good views near you, head on our to The Parklands of Floyds Fork where we have plenty of spots to watch the sky. Please keep in mind, though, that The Parklands opens 15 minutes before sunrise and closes 15 minutes after sunset.